Relocation Resources
The Triangle region is a great place to visit and has been ranked the number one place to live in the country! If you are visiting our school, and considering relocating to our area, here is some information which might be useful:
Activities & Places Emerson Families Love
What to do in 36 Hours in Chapel Hill by The New York Times
If you are looking for a house to buy or rent, please support The Judy Weinstock Team, who generously funded our Alumni network, EWS Connect.
We are located on the outskirts of the town of Chapel Hill, close to the city of Durham, and to Hillsborough, Carrboro, and the Research Triangle Park. The closest airport is Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU). Chapel Hill is consistently ranked as one of the best places to raise kids in the country!
Chapel Hill calls itself ‘The Southern Part of Heaven’. As the home of the University of North Carolina, it is lively and rich in traditions, with a vibrant cultural scene and, of course, basketball! The Town of Carrboro, next door to Chapel Hill, centers around the lawn of Weaver Street market and the old Carr Mill, now restored with shops and restaurants. It is a walkable community with many locally-owned small businesses and a thriving Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Both towns have free bus service.
Chapel Hill and Carrboro Chamber of Commerce
Chapel Hill/Carrboro Visitors Bureau
Durham, is home to Duke University and North Carolina Central University, as well as many historic sites, art galleries, annual events with national or regional recognition, six science and nature centers, and great spectator sports venues.
Some Things We Like to Do:
Music on Sundays at Weaver Street
Durham Center for Performing Arts
Hiking and swimming in the Eno River
Going to the beach and to the mountains, each only 3 hours away!
…and much more. Ours is an active community and there is always lots to do!